
The Assessment through PAPI – Personality and Preference Inventory –  is essential for individual who wants to unlock their true potential and for companies who want to assess personalities for role suitability and career development.

Assessment for individual

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The purpose of the assessment is to identify your professional vocation through one of the most successful tools available today PAPI (Personality and Preference Inventory). The PAPI is an effective personality test designed to explore your working style, preferences and ultimately your attitude in a work enviroment. With PAPI you can measure your leadership skills, your impact and drive, your approach to new ideas, organizational skills, interaction style, your sales skills and ability to persuade, and last but not least, identify your strengths and the areas for improvement.

The PAPI test, provided in many languages, is taken online and it requires 20 to 30 minutes to complete. After completing the test a follow-up interview is taken directly with me to further analyse your potential and development plan. A range of concise reports are available for the participant to highlight:

  • Strength and areas for improvement
  • Tips and strategies to enhance performance

Understanding how you perceive yourself in a work environment is essential for the progress of your career.

Assess and address your personal strengths and weaknesses


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It’s a unique blend of psychology, technology, and expertise, the Personality and Preference Inventory – PAPI – has been adopted for decades by employers worldwide. PAPI can supports companies to develop their specific workforce, specifically for: 

  • Talent identification, because explores aspects of personality linked with potential.
  • Hiring decision, by understanding what candidates will bring to your organization.
  • Managers, by gaining deeper understanding of what motivates and inspires people in their team.

Ability to create connections, stress management, ability to work independently and within a team, proactiveness, leadership and persuasion ability in negotiations are requirements and aspects of the personality that can be evaluated during the PAPI test, allowing to efficiently plan a hiring strategy and ultimately the growth of your resources. The PAPI provides objective inputs crucial to the company’s overall performance improvement. Align your business strategy with the development of your resources, identify the expertise and the motivations of your people within their roles.

Among the top performing personality test worldwide the PAPI is available in several languages making it the perfect tool to intercept what is essential, even among different cultures. I can provide this service to the participants in Italian, English and French.

PAPI assessment is taken directly online, it requires 30-45 mins, and it is followed by a 1 to 1 interview with each participant for a further analysis and interpretation of the profile.

A range of concise reports are available for Manager, HR and Participant revolutionising feedback preparation and delivery. The reports will highlight the following content:

  • Strength and areas for improvement
  • Tips and strategies to enhance performance based on a specific work style and personality
  • Organizational suggestions

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what makes people tick

Skills assessment, career coaching, Career counseling, HR outsourcing, Fractional talent acquisition, HR strategy, Leadership development, succession plan
Skills assessment, career coaching, Career counseling, HR outsourcing, Fractional talent acquisition, HR strategy, Leadership development, succession plan
Skills assessment, career coaching, Career counseling, HR outsourcing, Fractional talent acquisition, HR strategy, Leadership development, succession plan
Skills assessment, career coaching, Career counseling, HR outsourcing, Fractional talent acquisition, HR strategy, Leadership development, succession plan